You can now purchase just my Supplement Tracking Spreadsheet!

Introducing the Ultimate Supplement Tracker for Roofing Contractors

Are you tired of the hassle and confusion of managing your supplement department for insurance claims manually? Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to efficiency with our cutting-edge Supplement Tracker!

What is the Supplement Tracker?

Our Supplement Tracker is a smart spreadsheet designed specifically for roofing contractors to streamline and optimize their supplement departments. It provides you with instant access to key performance indicators (KPIs) so you can stay on top of your claims with ease.

Why Choose Our Supplement Tracker?

  • Instant Insights: Get real-time visibility into the status of your supplement files, allowing you to prioritize and track them efficiently.

  • Easy to Use: Our intuitive interface makes it simple for contractors of all levels to navigate and utilize the tracker effectively.

  • Lifetime Ownership: When you purchase our Supplement Tracker, you own it for life. No subscriptions, no hidden fees – just a one-time investment for a lifetime of convenience.

  • Comprehensive Tutorial: We provide a short, easy-to-follow tutorial to guide you through setting up and using the tracker, ensuring you get the most out of your investment right from the start.

Key Features:

  • Track supplement files effortlessly

  • Instantly view KPIs for quick decision-making

  • Stay organized and prioritize tasks effectively

  • Accessible from anywhere with Google Sheets

  • Compatible with all devices

How It Works:

  1. Purchase the Supplement Tracker and download the file.

  2. Follow the step-by-step tutorial to set up the tracker according to your needs.

  3. Start managing your supplement department like a pro and enjoy increased efficiency and productivity!

Unlock the Power of Automation Today!

Don't let manual supplement tracking slow you down. Invest in our Supplement Tracker and take your roofing business to new heights of success. Join thousands of satisfied contractors who have revolutionized their supplement departments with our innovative solution.

Get Started Now!

Ready to streamline your supplement department and boost your bottom line? Click below to purchase your copy of the Supplement Tracker today!

2024 Supplement Tracker
Sale Price:$127.00 Original Price:$199.00

Supplement Tracker for Roofing Contractors

Take control of your supplement department and streamline your insurance claim process with our Supplement Tracker for roofing contractors. Designed to simplify your workflow, this smart spreadsheet provides instant access to key performance indicators (KPIs) so you can prioritize tasks, track supplement files, and make informed decisions with ease.

Key Features:

  • Real-Time Insights: Instantly view the status of supplement files and track progress effortlessly.

  • Efficient Organization: Stay organized and prioritize tasks effectively with our intuitive interface.

  • Lifetime Ownership: Purchase once and own the tracker for life – no subscriptions or hidden fees.

  • Comprehensive Tutorial: Includes a short, easy-to-follow tutorial to help you get started quickly.

  • Universal Compatibility: Accessible from anywhere with Google Sheets and compatible with all devices.

Don't let manual supplement tracking slow you down. Invest in our Supplement Tracker and revolutionize your roofing business today!

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Check Out What Others Are Saying…

  • Went to the class yesterday. It was great. Learned a lot. Met some great people also. John is a great teacher with a mastery of the subject. He is humble and is someone I enjoy learning from.

    James Thompson

  • Exceptional class from an incredible leader. Thank you for educating the next generation of contractors, on how to pursue integrity in all their works. Great class and will send all my employees. Thank you.

    Justin Ruggiano

  • Fantastic information! Very informative and not a dull moment all day. I highly recommend his training, whether you are a beginner or already an expert in supplementing, you will come out of John's class with great information.

    Desiree Winchester

  • John was awesome! I thoroughly enjoyed his class as it was extremely informative. I would highly recommend his class and podcasts if you’re interested in being successful!! Thanks again, John!

    Andrea Cerreta

  • Can't say enough good things about this class. tons of information very thorough I learned a lot. I would definitely recommend it to everyone!

    Luke Schaneman

  • The class was refreshing. Typically don't enjoy these kind of events. John was intriguing, and kept my attention. I appreciate that he backed everything up with numbers and real life examples. I recommend this class for supplementers (or Overagers??? lol) of any level..

    Bryan J. Aylor

  • John's ethical approach to the "Supplementing" process is a breath of fresh air! Training people to operate through values that we all wish to instill while ensuring proper profitability to keep your business running, leaving you able to honor warranties and service policyholders for years to come. The class is very educational and no matter your experience level, you are sure to walk away with a better approach at navigating the insurance claims process.

    Brian Kinkade

  • John Dye is truly one of the industry experts. He teaches how to make money doing things the right way. I learned five things from John just over a casual lunch.

    Mark Craney

  • John is very informed and a great resource to keep improving the integrity of supplementing with roofing and other exterior projects. Having an adjusting background and a contractor gives him a unique perspective!

    Kayla McGill

  • John was spot on. Not only did he provide useful information with regards to working with insurance claims, John went above and beyond to assisting our company in growing in ways I had not expected. John is professional, ethical, and insightful. His training was hands-down worth more than I paid for the course. I highly recommend his leadership to anybody who values growth. John is a true asset to professional contractors.

    Shawn Deitmeyer

  • This is the real deal. Practical information and true real life examples how to help your business win. A must, for your supplement staff.

    Adam Buttorff

  • The real deal when it comes to understanding the insurance process and the strategies to bill properly. Will be personally attending or sending my team to his class again.

    Daniel Zavodney